Dominican Republic Missions Trip

May 2 - 9

Trip: Haitian Connection Trip
Location: Dominican Republic
Activity: Focus on encouraging and learning, as we spend time with Haitian brothers and siters in Christ.
Dates: May 2-9, 2025.
Cost: TBD – $1800-$2300

Haiti, already the materially poorest county in the western hemisphere, has faced even more hardship in recent years due to political unrest, and widescale gang activity. Sadly, this has prevented Life Church from visiting its sister church in Chambellan, Haiti.

In order to continue to cultivate a love for the Haitian people, as well as to gain greater appreciation and understanding of the suffering they are going through, we will be visiting Haitian Churches in the Dominican Republic. Many within these churches have fled from Haiti, and almost all still have family there.

Though there will be some ministry activities that we participate in (TBD) our greatest goal for this trip is not to “do something”, but to bring much needed hope and encouragement to the Haitian people, as well as to simply observe what the spirit of God is already doing.

Notes: All ages welcome. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Passport required for all participants.