Work Life Quarterly Dinner: Delivering Messages Effectively

July 24 6:00 - 7:30 pm  |  Life Church Student Auditorium, Building B

Join us for our next Work Life quarterly dinner as we continue to discover and discuss what it means to practice faith at work. We will be continuing our LEAD series with Delivering Messages Effectively: Communicating with Impact.

Communication can have positive or negative impact on any relationship. Let’s dive into the number one issue that most organizations face, communication breakdown, and discover how an understanding of communication styles, personality types, and needs assessments can improve relationships, performance, and job satisfaction.

Join us for our next quarterly dinner on Wednesday, July 24 at 6:00pm and learn more about how to be the leader that God has called you to be in your workplace.

Event Details:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Student Auditorium, Building B